miércoles, marzo 04, 2009

Hoy Debate en "live" en el parlamento europeo - Esperando tus comentarios

Debate en el parlamento europeo - Esperando tus comentarios:
"live" hoy a las 15.00 y mañana a las 9.00

Please have a look to the "debate on women and the European elections on Thursday. Journalists and MEPs will debate the issues Wednesday and both events can be seen live online."

: Committee meeting : Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)
BRUSSELS Thu 05 March 2009 - 09:00-12:30

: Women and elections to the European Parliament Wed 04 March 2009 - 15:00-18:30

The electoral behaviour of women, their interests and expectations: equal opportunities at the heart of the forthcoming European elections.

Chair: Rodi Krasta-Tsagaropoulou, Vice-President of the European Parliament

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8 mars 2010: J'affiche mes couleurs

Logo de la campaña j'affiche les couleurs Haiti 8 mars 2010 . Participez à la campagne "J’affiche mes couleurs en faveur du camp de solidarité international Myriam Merlet, Anne-Marie Coriolan et Magalie Marcelin". . Plus d'infos ici : http://www.oregand.ca/veille/2010/03/jaffiche-mes-couleurs-en-faveur-du-camp-de-solidarite-international-des-femmes-dhaiti.html