domingo, marzo 16, 2008

TWCA Nueva lista de correo sobre mujeres y cuestiones urbanas

TWCA Nueva lista de correo sobre mujeres y cuestiones urbanas en inglés y francés (pero más adelante:(
TWCA new international listserve on women and urban issues
A new international listserve on women and urban issues has been recentlyestablished.
This is an international forum in English and French (at alater date) with the objective of facilitating an exchange of informationand sharing of experiences, resources, and strategies to advance women'srights and gender equality in local governance and local governments. Thelistserve is open to all women's groups, activists, institutions,equality-seeking organizations, women in local government - electedofficials, administrators, staff, partners, women urban professionals,etc. Men are also welcome. We encourage you to post listings pertinent tothis subject and to engage with participating members. Please berespectful of the diversity of opinions and experiences of participants. Ashort description of your interests and focus of work will help us to keepthe list clean of SPAM.

The listserve is moderated by Toronto Women's CityAlliance (TWCA).To subscribe write to:

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8 mars 2010: J'affiche mes couleurs

Logo de la campaña j'affiche les couleurs Haiti 8 mars 2010 . Participez à la campagne "J’affiche mes couleurs en faveur du camp de solidarité international Myriam Merlet, Anne-Marie Coriolan et Magalie Marcelin". . Plus d'infos ici :