jueves, junio 04, 2009

Red GDUS - Género, diversidad y sostenibilidad urbana

Red GDUS - Género, Diversidad y Sostenibilidad Urbana

What is GDUS?
GDUS is an informal network of scholars and practitioners in urban planning. Its aim is to bring together work carried out relating to gender and diversity issues to urban studies and planning theory.
GDUS represents different disciplines such as spatial planning, urban design, environmental psychology, landscape planning and social policy within the field of sustainable spatial development.
Each member brings in experience of either research or practice in a gender aware approach.
The network operates through a virtual community hosted by Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Tours (Fr) and through half-yearly seminars.

Objectives of the GDUS-network
establishing and expanding a network of people actively involved in “Gender, Diversity and Urban Sustainability”
presenting studies performed in various European countries on initiatives against gender discrimination in spatial policies regarding public space, housing, mobility and environmental sustainability.
evaluating existing practices and highlighting key factors that can be reproduced in other sites.
exchanging this knowledge with practitioners, policy makers and citizens groups.
constructing a theoretical framework that allows integration of gender-insights into spatial planning systems and theory.
promoting gender and diversity issues in spatial development at all levels of policy making: from EU level (ESDP, SDS, research and development Programs) to regional, urban and local level.

François-Rabelais University, Maison des Sciences de l‘Homme de Tours
University of Natural Ressources and Applied Life Sciences, Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute of Landscape Planning
planwind.at - consulting engineering studio: planning-management-research
Helsinki University of Technology, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies
Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Sociales, Atelier de recherche sociologique
Leibniz University of Hannover, Faculty for Architecture and Landscape Sciences, Institute for History and Theory of Architecture, Department for Planning and Architecture Sociology
University of Westminster, School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department Urbanism, Chair of spatial planning and strategy
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Departamento de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Umeå University, Department of Political Science

Brest Métropole Océane
City of Vienna - Co-ordination Office for Planning and Construction Geared to the Requirements of Daily Life and the Specific Needs of Women
Salzburg - Office for local spatial & community planning
City of Munich - Department of Urban Planning

Women‘s Design Service

1 comentario:

Anne Alyse dijo...

Gracias Neskateka por hacer conocer tu experiencia. He añadido el enlace. Puedes dar a concer vuestra expriencia a traves de la lista http://elistas.egrupos.net/lista/generourban
somos un poco más de 600 inscritas e intercambiamos información sobre nuestros proyectos, dudas....

A+, en GéneroUrban.


8 mars 2010: J'affiche mes couleurs

Logo de la campaña j'affiche les couleurs Haiti 8 mars 2010 . Participez à la campagne "J’affiche mes couleurs en faveur du camp de solidarité international Myriam Merlet, Anne-Marie Coriolan et Magalie Marcelin". . Plus d'infos ici : http://www.oregand.ca/veille/2010/03/jaffiche-mes-couleurs-en-faveur-du-camp-de-solidarite-international-des-femmes-dhaiti.html