lunes, agosto 03, 2009

Votos para la mujer - Edinburgo, Escocia

Votes for women
The Women's Suffrage Movement in Edinburgh
31 July 2009 - 9 January 2010

One hundred years ago women (and some men) were not allowed to vote.

This exhibition charts the long struggle to win the vote which was eventually granted to all women in 1928. At the height of the campaign to win the vote, a grand historical pageant was held in Edinburgh in October 1909. A re-enactment will take place on 10 October 2009 and this exhibition is being staged to complement this event.
The exhibition will examine the Women's Suffrage Movement in Edinburgh and will include photos and artefacts from that period.

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8 mars 2010: J'affiche mes couleurs

Logo de la campaña j'affiche les couleurs Haiti 8 mars 2010 . Participez à la campagne "J’affiche mes couleurs en faveur du camp de solidarité international Myriam Merlet, Anne-Marie Coriolan et Magalie Marcelin". . Plus d'infos ici :